
Ep 044 – “When Will I Be Ready To Launch A Group Coaching Program?”

About the time our first daughter, our 2nd kid, was born in 2016…

It seemed like every human I interacted with wanted to know if having two kids is twice as hard as having one.

My response was always the same…

“It’s about like having 1.5 kids.”

Not twice as hard but we also no longer outnumbered them.

We realized that we knew a bit about babies having already had one.

And, geez, by the time we had our third kid… well our daughter nearly raises her (only half joking).


Between knowing more about kids in general and realizing the benefits of having older siblings help younger ones…

I can officially claim that there are some efficiencies with having more than one kid.

It turns out that the same is true with your coaching offers.

When you are considering adding a group coaching program (or some sort of program that can be sold more than once), it is very natural to believe…

✅ Your business has to stop being based on individual coaching and

✅ Start being centered around your new group coaching program.

That is just not true.

In fact, thinking that way can add unnecessary stress on you while you are designing the new program.

And, if you make it too hard on yourself, then you’re never going to follow through with it at all.

In reality, your new coaching program offer will enhance your other existing offers.

When I helped a client build a group coaching program, she saw about a 2x increase in her individual coaching sales.

That’s in addition to her new revenue stream.

So, just like realizing efficiencies around raising multiple kids, adding a new offer does more than just adding a new revenue stream. It enhances ALL your other offers.

It doesn’t have to be blowing up your business for it to remerge as a group coaching based business. You can have both.

I hope that takes some of the pressure off.

Now, you may be wondering: “Well, how do I know I’m ready to launch a group program?”

Here’s what you need to know.

It starts with your offer stack.

Your offer stack is the combination of all the different services you provide, such as coaching offers, digital products, and more.

Time Investment and Offer Types

First, consider the amount of time each offer requires. Offers that demand the least amount of your time, such as digital courses, single webinars, or ebooks, are just above free lead magnets.

Mid-tier offers could bundle multiple elements, include video content, challenges, workshops, or even group coaching.

Group coaching is efficient as you serve multiple clients at once, providing significant value while saving individual time. The highest time investment comes with individual coaching, which offers personalized guidance and support.

Client Value and Pricing

Next, assess the value clients receive from each offer. Lower time investment offers typically provide less value but can still be impactful if crafted well. 

As time investment increases, generally, so does the value provided.

The beauty of group coaching lies in balancing time investment and high client value.

By understanding your clients’ needs and delivering in a group coaching format, you can still charge premium prices due to the high level of transformation offered.

Simplifying Client Choices

While offering various programs, it’s important to streamline client decisions. Avoid overloading clients with too many choices at once.

Instead, guide them through understanding which program suits their needs best.

On your website or sales page, clearly define who each program is for. Ensure there’s a structured path for clients to follow, helping them choose the right offer without confusion.

Whether they’re new clients or returning ones, make it easy for them to decide based on their current requirements.

Enhancing Revenue Streams

Adding a group coaching program is not just about creating another revenue stream; it enhances your overall offer stack’s value.

For instance, one of my clients tripled her profit by launching a group coaching program, as it attracted both new and existing clients without cannibalizing other offers.

Incorporating strategic offer stacks can significantly boost revenue and deepen client relationships, making your business more resilient and dynamic.

By strategically designing and marketing your offer stack, you not only optimize your time and income but also deliver top-tier value to your clients.

If you want to make more money as a life coach…

Faster than you are on your own…

Schedule a free mini session to get my eyes on your business.