
Ep 043 – The Tech Behind A New Coaching Offer [For Non-Techies]

Today, I’m going over how to choose the best format for your group coaching program.

And in the process, I will expose the simple tech tools you can use to create a new coaching offer.

By seeing how simple tech building blocks work together to create a fancy sounding program, the whole process of creating a new offer will become so much easier.

Designing the format of your program is crucial to delivering the promised  transformation for your clients.

Start by determining the best format for your clients. This isn’t about what’s easiest for you or what’s popular, but about ensuring you meet your clients’ needs and overcome their challenges. Familiarize yourself with your clients’ pain points and desired transformations.

Common Group Coaching Formats

1. Group Coaching Sessions: This is the simplest and most accessible format. Using tools like Zoom, Google Meet, or Facebook Groups, you can host multiple clients in a single session.

2. Group Coaching plus Digital Content: Enhance your sessions by providing supplementary digital content like videos, PDFs, or exercises. This can be delivered before or after your sessions.

3. Group Coaching plus One-on-One Sessions: Adding individual sessions can offer personalized support. These can be used any time during the program and add significant value.

4. In-Person Group Coaching: While virtual sessions are common, in-person meetings can also be beneficial. You could combine this with virtual follow-up sessions for ongoing support.

5. Open-Ended Group Coaching: Also known as a membership model, clients subscribe and continuously receive new content and participate in ongoing sessions.

6. Building Community Support: Consider adding a community aspect, such as a Facebook group, to nurture peer support and interaction. This creates a space for clients to ask questions and offer mutual support.

Choosing Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning

Decide whether your program is cohort-based, where everyone progresses together, or self-paced. Additionally, consider whether your content is delivered live or pre-recorded.

Simplifying Technology

Don’t be overwhelmed by technology. The basics for starting group coaching are video conferencing tools and email. You can gradually incorporate more sophisticated platforms like Teachable, Kajabi, or Thinkific as your program grows.

Getting Started

Begin with simple tools like Zoom and email. As you refine your program, you can integrate advanced features to better support your clients. Remember, the key is to start, adapt, and grow.

Choosing the right format for your group coaching program is crucial. Focus on simplicity and client needs, and you’ll be well on your way to success. For more personalized advice, book a mini session below. 

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