
Ep 048 – How To STICK With A New Habit

We’ve all been there—starting a new habit only to see it fizzle out in a few days. Enter identity-based habits.

Identity-based habits focus on who you want to become, not just the goals you aim to achieve. By aligning your habits with your identity and core beliefs, you’re more likely to create lasting change.

Why Identity Over Outcome?

Consider this: instead of saying, “I want to lose 10 pounds,” shift to “I want to be the kind of person who makes healthy choices.” This approach aligns your thoughts with actions that naturally contribute to sustainable habit change.

The Three-Step Method

Decide Who You Want to Be: Identify the type of person you aspire to be. Envision the habits that person would have, without focusing on the end goal.

Prove It with Small Wins: Consistent small actions anchor your new identity. Whether it’s reading a single page a day to cultivate a reading habit or dedicating short time slots for exercise, these increments lead to substantial long-term gains.

Align Environment & Systems: Optimize your surroundings and routines to support your new identity. Keep workout gear accessible, create an inviting workspace, and surround yourself with people who embody your desired traits.

Examples in Action

For life coaches, identity-based thoughts like “I am a coach who consistently shares valuable insights” create a foundation for habitually creating content, thus propelling your business forward.

The Power of Incremental Improvement

Just as investing small amounts can yield vast returns over time, so too can small, consistent habits. They may seem insignificant at first, but over time, these actions compound, leading to substantial growth.

Forming identity-based habits involves deliberately choosing who you want to be, reinforcing that identity with small wins, and ensuring your environment supports this transformation. This approach not only aligns your actions with your beliefs but fosters habits that naturally form part of your identity, ensuring their longevity.

If you’re looking to further integrate these habits into your life coaching business, I’m here to help. Book a free mini session below. 

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