
Ep 042 – The #1 Reason To Run Ads (Hint: It’s Not Growth)

Until you have a reliable way of bringing in new clients from the internet…

The #1 reason to run ads is not growth.

It’s for faster feedback.

When you are in the early stages of your coaching business, you don’t have anyone to talk to.

😩 Your emails go unresponded to.

😩 Your social posts are received by crickets.

😩 It’s hard to tell what your ideal clients actually want!


The fastest cure for that is ads.

You don’t need to spend a bunch of money.

You can literally start with $1/day.

That is enough to get you feedback faster than just relying on organic traffic (which is also nearly zero when we’re just starting!)

That way you’ll feel like there’s someone on the other end of those social posts and emails.

That builds momentum.

With momentum comes confidence.

With confidence comes results.

Should you be running ads?

Yes, and…

You need to learn…

✅ How much to spend

✅ What format – video, image, carousel, etc.

✅ Order Of Attention (It’s the same for all of us!)

Increased Exposure

If you already receive significant traffic from organic sources like social media posts or long-form content, you might think you’re in a good spot. But here’s the kicker: more exposure is always better.

Facebook and Instagram ads help increase visibility. These ads bring new eyeballs to your offers and lead magnets, increasing the likelihood of future purchases and upsell opportunities.

Faster Feedback and Growth

There are two main reasons to run ads: faster feedback and accelerated growth. Ads help you understand what resonates with your audience. Whether they engage with your posts or respond to your emails, their reactions are invaluable.

For instance, experimenting with different lead magnets via ads can quickly reveal what engages people and what doesn’t.

This feedback loop is essential, especially in the early stages of your business.

Experimentation Leads to Success

Running ads allows you to test various topics and messages. Whether you’re a fitness coach or a digital marketer, ads can help you pinpoint what grabs attention.

For example, you might find that content around nutrition gets more engagement than exercise routines.

This experimentation helps you refine your messaging and reach your ideal audience more effectively.

Getting Started

The barrier to entry with Facebook ads is low. You can start with as little as a dollar a day. This minimal investment can still provide valuable data and help you grow.

Remember, the more you invest, the faster you learn and scale.

Invest In Your Coaching Business

Ads are a long-term skill worth mastering. They fuel your business growth by providing faster feedback and broader reach.

So, should you spend money on ads?

Absolutely, even if it’s just a small amount.

For expert help with Facebook ads, whether it’s setting them up or managing them, you can schedule a free mini-session below. 

If you want to make more money as a life coach…

Faster than you are on your own…

Schedule a free mini session to get my eyes on your business.