
Ep 002 – Creating “Knock-Down-Your-Door” Content

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Build Your Life Coaching Business podcast! 

Whether you need just the right information at the right time to do it yourself or looking for someone to implement your idea… I am your one-stop-shop for all your online business needs.

Today, we’re diving into the world of content marketing. In this episode, I’ll explore how creating “knock-down-your-door” content can help you attract more clients and grow your coaching business.

But, first, let’s quickly recap the fundamentals I’ve covered so far. In my previous episode, I discussed how creating your offer means satisfying the Purpose-Delivery-Results triple venn diagram. Now, we’re taking the the first step in telling people about it.

Content marketing is all about telling people what you do in an educational and informative way. Whether it’s through videos, podcasts, social media, or written blogs, the goal is to provide high-quality free content that helps your ideal clients solve their problems. 

But content marketing goes beyond just educating your audience; it also serves as a testing ground for your offer and a powerful tool for attracting clients.

Throughout the episode, we’ll explore the different types of content marketing. We’ll also discuss the importance of consistency and showing up regularly to build trust with your audience. 

Remember, it’s not about being perfect, but about proving to your potential clients that you can help them.

So, if you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level and create content that truly resonates with your ideal clients, then stay tuned. This episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips to help you create “knock-down-your-door” content. Let’s dive in!

Here's How!

02:07 Content marketing helps inform and attract clients.
03:43 Content marketing includes blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media, educating potential clients and proving expertise.
06:56 Getting business is more important than topping the charts.
10:12 Accountable and in control with a coach.

Just Remember...

“All we’re really doing is figuring out how you help clients and then telling people about it.”

“Most likely what got you started down this road of creating content for your ideal client is to try to get more clients. But we’re guaranteed to be successful if we are helping people along the way.”