
Ep 039 – Your Clients Need This Before And After Your Lead Magnet

Whether you’re offering individual coaching, group coaching, courses, or retreats, content creation is key to generating demand for your services.

Why Create Content?

Creating consistent content is essential to generate demand for your offerings. Content serves as a tool to move potential clients through their customer journey—from first discovering you to eventually becoming loyal clients.

Content isn’t just a one-time introduction. It’s an ongoing relationship builder. Once you capture someone’s email address, you can continue to nurture that relationship through newsletters, updates about your latest podcast episodes, videos, courses, or new offers. Consistent content helps potential clients get to know you, understand how you can help them, and evaluate whether they can work with you.

When potential clients first come across your content—whether it’s a podcast, social post, or a guest appearance—they’re evaluating how you can help them. This is where they start to understand your expertise and what you stand for.

For those who are already familiar with you, content helps deepen the relationship. They are looking to feel a connection with you, trust you more, and understand the value you can provide.

Here is Content Creation Strategy #1 – Content Repurposing.

Repurposing content is a game-changer. It simplifies your content creation process immensely. Start with one long-form content piece such as a podcast episode or a video. From there, extract smaller pieces like video snippets, audiograms, quote cards, or short videos. This not only makes the process more manageable but also ensures a consistent message across different platforms.

Strategy #2: Try Different Styles

Explore a variety of content styles to see what resonates most with your audience. This includes:

-Video Snippets

– Audiograms

– Quote Cards

– B-Roll videos with message overlay

– Personal Life Pictures

– Videos from Unusual Locations

– Formal vs. Informal Content

Strategy 3: Never Start from Scratch

Always have a pool of content ideas ready. Use brainstorming exercises like mind mapping, where you outline your core principles and break them down into subcategories. Each subcategory can further branch out into tips, personal stories, client success stories, and more. This way, you’ll have a treasure trove of content ideas that can last for a year.

For more spontaneous content, jot down notes throughout the week based on your daily interactions and experiences.

Third, leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT or Gemini can also help generate prompts and ideas to keep the creative juices flowing.

Strategy #4: Planning and Scheduling

Having a plan is crucial. Allocate specific times in your week dedicated to content creation. Use a content calendar to map out what you’ll create and when. For example, designate weekly themes or rotate content types to maintain variety and consistency.

If you create content, your ideal clients will find you. These strategies are designed to help you streamline your content creation process, making it more manageable and efficient.

I know that you didn’t become a coach to be bogged down by content creation, but these tactics will make it a seamless part of your business growth.

If you need personalized help setting up your content creation schedule or have any questions, feel free to schedule a free mini-session or send me an email at [email protected]. Let’s get started on creating content that not only attracts clients but builds lasting relationships.

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