
Ep 046 – Are You Offer-Aligned?

Offer Alignment is critical. It ensures every bit of education and all your offers lead your clients towards the same goal. An aligned offer strategy includes everything from your free educational content to your paid services.

Understanding Offer Alignment

Offer alignment is achieved when all your offers, both free and paid, move clients towards a unified goal. This includes freebies like lead magnets, social media content, newsletters, and more. These elements collectively build a relationship with potential clients.

Breaking Down the Strategy

To start, let’s examine your lead magnet. It should address a smaller problem within the bigger issue you solve. Offering a quick win, your lead magnet helps clients remember you and recognize that you understand their struggles.

Next, clients enter your email nurture sequence. This keeps the momentum going by educating them and guiding them towards the transformation you offer. Each email broadcast further educates them, offering ongoing development even through free content.

30-Day Runway and Content Planning

When preparing for a new launch, a 30-day content runway is essential. Your content should align with your upcoming offer, ensuring each piece of content builds toward the next. This forms a seamless sequence where clients understand you can provide the solution to their problems.

The Problem-Agitate-Solution Sequence

An effective marketing tactic, the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) sequence, recognizes the client’s problem, agitates it to make it more evident, and then presents your solution. This technique, applied across all content, ensures your message resonates deeply.

Example: Weight Loss Coaching

Consider a weight loss coach whose clients initially think their issue is weight loss. Deeper analysis might reveal the problem is their relationship with food. A lead magnet addressing calorie counting might be misaligned if your program focuses on improving food relationships. Ensuring alignment will attract the right clients and set proper expectations.

Maintaining Alignment

Always check that your offers are aligned. If changes in your business arise, adjust your content to maintain alignment. For example, if your coaching focus shifts, ensure your lead magnet and nurture sequences match the new direction.

Offer alignment is a continuous process. Update one component at a time and keep checking for alignment between your lead magnet, nurture sequence, and email content. This alignment attracts the right clients and guides them smoothly to your paid offers.

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